屈折率(くっせつりつ、英 refractive index )とは、真空中の光速を物質中の光速(より正確には位相速度)で割った値であり、物質中での光の進み方を記述する上での指標である。Acetophenone (AP, methyl phenyl ketone) is a common industrial solvent It can be synthesized from 1phenylethanol in the presence of PdAuNPsTiO 2 (titanium dioxidesupported palladium gold bimetallic nanoparticles) hybrid Its vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectrum shows absorption bands at 196, 191, 179 and 167mμIn an active waveguide in which the refractive index of the inner part is smaller than that of the outer part, there is modal gain if the fieldmedium gain is higher than a threshold value that is a function of the refractiveindex step The threshold current density is shown to decrease as the refractiveindex step increases This behavior can be explained by considering the interplay
Compound Refractive Lens Wikipedia
Relative refractive index 意味
Relative refractive index 意味-Wavelength µm Thickness nm µm mm cm m km Calculation method Internal transmission only Include Fresnel reflection losses (normal incidence, two surfaces) Include multiple reflections (interference ignored)Stainless Steel – refractive index & extinction coefficient at 6328 nm are & Staurolite 1739 Steatite 1539 Steel 250 Stichtite 15 Strontium Titanate 2410 Styrofoam 1595 Sulphur 1960 Synthetic Spinel 1730 Taaffeite 17 Tantalite 2240 Tanzanite 1691 Teflon 135 Thomsonite 1530 Tiger eye 1544 Topaz 16 Topaz
Refractive index i n = Extinction coefficient i k = Created with Highcharts 5014 Wavelength, µm n, k Chart context menu 04 05 06 07 08 09 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 RefractiveIndexINFO GaN (Gallium nitride) Lin et al 1993 Zincblende;Prime time 形 〔テレビ番組 {ばんぐみ} やCMの放送時間帯 {ほうそう じかんたい} が〕ゴールデンタイムの 単語帳への登録は「英辞郎 on the WEB Pro」でご利用ください。 ,000件まで登 The FilmStar DESIGN Free Version is a powerful and useful implementation with the limitation that film indices are fixed Since values are realistic and even include dispersive Ag and Al, the Free Version may be all that is required for many purposes Main Screen Interactor Screen
Caustic soda reacts with all the mineral acids to form the corresponding salts It also reacts with weakacid gases, such as hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxideCaustic soda reacts with amphoteric metals (Al, Zn, Sn) and their oxides to form complex anions such as AlO2(), ZnO2(2), SNO2(2), and H2 (or H2O with oxides)The absolute index of refraction is a calculation of the relationship between the speed of light moving through a medium (= substance) and the speed of指数 Compiling an index requires patience and skill 索引の作成には根気と熟練を要する First consult the index まず索引に当たってみなさい The book has an index
In optics the refractive index or index of refraction n of a substance (optical medium) is a dimensionless number that describes how light, or any other radiation, propagates through that medium It is defined asN = c v {\displaystyle n= {\frac {c} {v}}} 比如水的折射率是133。 表示光在真空中的傳播速度是在水中傳播速度的133倍。 折射率決定了進入材料時光的路徑彎曲或折射的程度。 這是通過描述斯涅耳定律折射, n 1 sin θ 1 = n 2 sin θ 2 {\displaystyle n_ {1}\sin \theta _ {1}=n_ {2}\sin \theta _ {2}} ,其中 θ 1 {\displaystyle \theta _ {1}} 和Refractive indicesの意味や使い方 屈折率 約1179万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。 発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 refractive indices 屈折率
Refractive index n/D density Description Application Pinacol (dichloromethyl) boronate is a general reagent that was employed by Prof Greg C Fu and coworkers to achieve the iterative synthesis of asymmetric (secondary) alkyl boronate esters These can be further derivatized through a growing suite of chemicalTherefore , an accurate determination of the complex refractive index of the material as a function of ge content is necessary 因此,需要精确的决定作为锗浓度函数的材料复数折射率。 Starting at the si substrate , these points are , on a point to point basis , converted into combinations of complex refractive index and depth in a numerical procedure示差屈折率(RI)検出器(RI:Refractive Index Detector) RI検出器は溶液中で光が屈折することを利用して成分を検出します。 図2のようにRI検出器のフローセルはサンプル側とリファレンス側に分割
Refractiveの意味・和訳。形容詞屈折の、屈折に関する、または、屈折ができる(例文)of or relating to or capable of refraction英検公式!英検対策に役立つ英和・和英辞書Refractive index 名詞 屈折率 the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to that in a medium 真空圧から媒介物におけるの光速の比率。 言い換え index of refraction 日本語ワードネット11版 情報通信研究機構, 0910 LicenseDerived from the maximum index change of the GRIN profile, sin( ) NA n n n 1 sech2 (gd /2) 0 2 R 2 ϑ= = 0 − = − nR is the refractive index at the margin of the profile, and d is the lens diameter or the lens thickness, respectively Fig 2 Ray traces within a GRIN focussing lens of GRIN lenses with a high numerical aperture (NA ≈ 05) are
Ri の定義が複数ある場合がありますので、ri のすべての意味については辞書で 1 つずつチェックしてください。 英語で定義Refractive Index RIの他の意味Index 意味 1index n 索引;屈折率とは What is the refractive index?
Refractive index and the diameter is given by fabrication spot radius of 373 nm This can be described as a light scattering sphere, which relative refractive index is defined by rn fllfl() < I, where n is the refractive index of the voidlike sphereRefractive index 《光学》屈折率 アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。屈折率 (くっせつりつ、 英 refractive index )とは、 真空 中の 光速 を 物質 中の光速(より正確には 位相速度 )で割った値であり、物質中での 光 の進み方を記述する上での 指標 である。
UVCurable High Refractive Index Monomers and Oligomers for Optical Films By Woogeun Kim, Yongjun Cho, Sungseo Cho, Won Bae and Paul Elias, Miwon Specialty Chemical Co Ltd 従って高屈折性材料は、LCD の効率を決定する上で重要 な役割を果たしている。高度に集積された光学アプリケ32 The plasma frequency Simply stated, a plasma is an ionized, electrically conducting gas of charged particles, usually occurring under conditions of光学用語集 GRINレンズ(Gradient index lens) GRINレンズ(Gradient index lens) 媒質内の屈折率が座標関数により連続的に変動するレンズ、あるいは材質。 Type1_拡張セルフォック Type2_軸方向線形GRIN Type3_ロチェスタ-大形式GRIN Type4_ル-ネベルグのGRIN Type5_球対称GRIN
Refractive index 意味, 定義, refractive index は何か 1 a measure of how much a particular substance refracts light 2 a measure of how much a もっと見る 辞典The refractive index depends on frequency, temperature and, for an anisotropic medium, on the direction of radiation transfer For dielectrics and semiconductors in a high transparency region, and in the absence of absorption, the refractive index may be defined in accordance with the Snell refraction law as the ratio of sine of the angle (θ 1) between the direction of radiation incidentRefractive index n versus alloy composition x at different photon energies 1 12 eV 2 09 eV 3 06 eV Takagi (1978) Refractive index n versus photon energy for x=047 300 K Adachi (1992) Normal incidence reflectivityversus photon energy for x=047 300 K Adachi (1992) The absorption coefficient versus photon energy at different temperatures for x=047
光の場合は,入射側の媒質Iが真空である場合の相対屈折率をとくに絶対屈折率absolute refractive index,あるいは単に屈折率refractive indexと呼び,通常 n で表す。The average refractive index sensitivity obtained is ~ 190 nm/RIU (refractive index unit) between 131 and 138 With the increase of the surrounding refractive index value, the resonance wavelength of the LPFG experiences a "red shift," being different from the "blue shift" characteristics of the traditional LPFGs fabricated by UVRefractometric analysis of fats and oils The refractive index or butyro value of animal and vegetable fats and oils is a quickly measured, easily generated quality parameter value Moreover, it helps to differentiate between different fats, such as butter and margarine
この指標となるパラメータが屈折率濃度増分(Refractive Index Increment dn/dc)です。 dn/dc(屈折率nの濃度cによる微分値の意味)は光散乱法で分子量を求める際に必須のパラメータで、図4に示す直線の傾きと定義されています。Methyl acetate is an acetate ester resulting from the formal condensation of acetic acid with methanol A lowboiling (57 ℃) colourless, flammable liquid, it is used as a solvent for many resins and oils It has a role as a polar aprotic solvent, a fragrance and an EC (pyroglutamylpeptidase I) inhibitorN µm n
Each material in the database has refractive index listed as a function of wavelength over a range typically required for thinfilm thickness measurementThe refractive index of a material is the factor by which the phase velocity is decreased relative to the velocity of light in vacuum At a microscale, such a decrease occurs because of a disturbance in the charges of each atom after being subjected to the electromagnetic field of the incident light The refractive index sensitivity (RIS) is defined as the shift in the wavelength (Δλ) of LSP mode per unit in the refractive index change of the surrounding medium (RIS = Δλ/Δn)
At NTTAT, using its refractive index control technology and optical loss reduction technology that are the basis for adhesives of optical communication, has developed for sale resins with a low refractive index of 14 These resins are aimed at usage in the fields of optical recording, display technology, optical energy uses, etc Refractive Index Wavelength Dispersion of #104WILFARESTER MCT WILFAESTER MCT is triglyceride derived from glycerol and 3 medium chain fatty acids (C8 C10) Properties of the natural ingredient makes it suitable for use in various applications Fast Spreading, light skin feel personal care ingredient Oxidative stability, low viscosity, clean organoleptic quality solvent for flavourThe refractive index or index of refraction of a substance is a measure of the speed of light in that substance It is expressed as a ratio of the speed of light in
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